VSP Registry (SDRM)

The NASTF Vehicle Security Professional (VSP) Registry is part of the NASTF Secure Data Release Model (SDRM), a project of the NASTF Vehicle Security Team.

  • NASTF is charged with creating, managing access and maintaining the Secure Data Release Model as a means for automakers to share security related information and tool functions with independent repairers and locksmiths.
  • Credentialed Vehicle Security Professionals using the SDRM process can purchase key and immobilizer codes, PIN numbers and special tool access from Automaker websites.
  • Many automakers use SDRM Validation to secure immobilizer resets, secure vehicle gateway access, some programming events and in one case, the sale of theft related parts.
  • VSPs are required to verify proof of ownership/authority prior to performing any security operation.
  • Many of these transactions require the completion of a Customer Authorization (D1) form within the NASTF SDRM portal.

For a full training session for new VSPs, see the video below: 

Aftermarket Scan Tool Validation Program


This program utilizing NASTF SDRM technology is an industry wide effort to reduce:

  • High tech vehicle theft
  • Theft of security capable tools
  • Injury and property damage to technicians and shops who own these tools

NASTF’s aftermarket scan tool validation program is now live on Launch Tech’s tool, with other companies coming online soon. When using a participating company’s tool, you will need a NASTF VSP ID to use a scan tool to perform security functions including:

  • Add a key
  • All keys lost
  • Immobilizer functions
  • Any other process that the OE determines to be security related

You will be responsible for verifying the identity of the vehicle owner, but you are not required to fill out a D1. The tool and NASTF will take care of this process behind the scenes.

Toolmakers have the capability to offer both online and 24 hour offline functionality.

If you do not have your VSP ID, we recommend applying as soon as possible to avoid any potential interruption of your business. Average approval window is 3-10 days but it could get as high as 2 weeks.

Click here to visit the VSP application page