NASTF Memberships

NASTF manages the Secure Data Release Model (SDRM) which enables technicians to perform  security related services such as programming keys, purchasing key and immobilizer codes from automaker websites and immobilizer resets. You can complete an application using the links on the Vehicle Security Registry Page of this site. Following your approval, you will receive a VSP ID and utilize the NASTF APP  to file customer authorization forms (often called D1’s) and complete repairs.

Please review the information on  the Vehicle Security Registry Page to fully understand the requirements prior to starting your application.

Functionality NASTF Membership AIR Security Technician Vehicle Security Professional
Industry Activities Yes Yes Yes
Reprogramming Info Yes Yes Yes
Learning Center Access Yes Yes Yes
Service Information Requests Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic Network Yes Yes Yes
Automaker Service Links Yes Yes Yes
Remote Programming Yes Yes
Key Codes Yes
Immobilizer Codes Yes
Scan Tool Validation Yes
Fees Free $45 / Request Primary $435 / 2 years
Sub $250 / 2 years